Women and intermittent fasting:

Women’s bodies are sensitive and before trying anything new, we want you to start it with conviction and goodwill. There a long list of the promised health benefits if intermittent fasting, but does it do justice to women just like men? If this thought has crossed your mind, just read below, to understand how this system of eating can be wisely utilized for women too!

What you should know:

Women respond more strongly to starvation signals than men, and if the body senses it is being starved, it will ramp up the production of the hunger hormones, leptin and ghrelin. When they experience that feeling of insatiable hunger after not eating enough, what they are actually feeling are these hormones. This is how a woman’s body protects the potential fetus. These hormones function even if a woman is not pregnant (not to the same extent).

  • Scientific researches show that prolonged and big calorie deficit created through too much exercise, and quick loss of body weight all may lead to different forms of menstrual dysfunction in women. This is usually seen in women who are dieting for long periods of time as well as in female athletes who are not purposefully dieting, but unable to meet the caloric needs of their rigorous athletic regimen.
  • However, it’s not just prolonged periods of time in large calorie deficits that are the problem as having too little fat may be a problem for some women. In 1974, scientists found that the maintenance of normal menstrual function was related to a critical level of 22% body fat.
  • Study on elite national level female athletes has shown that the combination fat levels with a large calorie deficit of low body can result in amenorrhea (absence of their monthly period), as well as deceased leptin and estradiol levels.

 Minimal levels of body fat, combined with long-term calorie deficits, and possible mild protein malnutrition can result in marked hormonal disruptions!

Even though there are recognizable differences in how women respond to dieting and fasting, there is no evidence to suggest that women should not fast.

This is not to say that women can haphazardly use as much fasting as often as they like in an attempt to lose weight.  This is more evidence that if fasting is to be used on a regular basis as a method of weight control then it must be done with some common sense.

Women should go in for a RELAXED version of intermittent fasting, which means fasting for not more than two days a week. Being prudent while following this system of eating can bear for you the fruits you’ve been waiting for!

You will reap benefits like of lower chronic disease rates, reduction in neurological disorders, improved weight management, and a slower rate of aging, provide rest to your digestive system, detoxify and lot more!

So if you’re sick and tired of quick fixes that make you less healthy and weaker over the long haul and you want to gain the benefits of  intermittent  fasting – to feel good, get stronger, and like the body you see in the mirror – then do IF, the smart way!



Sumaya Kazi has got the most benefit from intermittent fasting. She claims that she has lost more than 50 pounds in just 7.5 months. She has lost more than 10% of fat and around 40 inches from her body.

This is a phenomenal achievement by Sumaya Kazi. She got all these excellent results with the help of intermittent fasting. She revealed that even she did not exercise for the first three months and she was able to lose weight.